Wasilla, Alaska
Trunk Road South Extension
This project extended Trunk Road southward from the Parks Highway to Nelson Road to respond to a growing community by providing improved access to the area south of the Parks Highway and east of Fairview Loop, as well as to develop an integrated roadway network that respects neighborhoods, minimizes through-traffic, and facilitates better pedestrian and vehicular movement.
The new 1.5-mile road segment includes a multi-leg roundabout to be constructed on the south side of the Parks Highway Interchange, a roadway to the south with 12-foot travel lanes, and paved shoulders. Hamilton was the dedicated bridge subcontractor on this project and built a new bridge crossing the railroad that required launching the largest precast girders ever transported to Alaska and replaced the existing bridge at Wasilla Creek. With the bridge crossing the Alaska Railroad, it was critically important to schedule outages weeks ahead and be able to work within those windows. The bridge also required the largest bridge girders ever transported to Alaska. The 165-foot-long and 8-foot-deep bulb-T girders were barged from Seattle and unloaded in Seward. Due to funding constraints, innovations were developed to reduce cost, and ultimately, the bridge was constructed in phases as funding became available. Despite the project challenges and Hamilton's extensive collaborated with multiple agencies to develop the girder erection and transportation plan, the project schedule was maintained, and all bridge construction work was completed on time. |
Major Project Elements: